Fotografii dramatice: preoții Ucrainei – un rol activ în evenimentele de la Kiev

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Rob Stothard/Getty Images, Sursa: WASHINGTON POST

Protests Continue In Kiev As The Opposition Calls For A Snap ElectionCrestinismul are radacini profunde in Ucraina. Majoritatea  ucrainenilor nu sunt credinciosi practicanti , conform sondajelor de opinie, dar Ortodoxia are inca un rol major. Este credinta pe care cei mai multi ucraineni o imbratiseaza, desi sunt despartiti intre Patriarhiile de Kiev si Moscova. (Un numar de ucraineni sunt si greco-catolici)  Bisericile si preotii sunt omniprezenti in tara, si in special so in protestele care au ravasit Kiev-ul si alte orase din  Noiembrie 2013.

Preotii ucraineni ortodocsi si catolici au fost vazuti frecvent in primele randuri ale ciocnirilor dintre politie si manifestanti ajutandu-i pe acestia. Probabil pentru ca protestatarii, asediati in Piata Independentei din Kiev si indurand forta coplesitoare a fortelor de securitate , au nevoie de asistenta imediata. Probabil pentru ca relatia istorica, complexa dintre biserica si stat dateaza din era sovietica. Sau poate ca acolo se indreapta simpatiile individuale ale preotilor .

Indiferent de motiv, fotografiile infatisand preoti mergand intre cele doua parti ale conflictului , si acordand asistenta religioasa ranitilor si mortilor , ofera imagini tulburatoare de pe pamantul Ucrainei ravasite de criza.

Priests of different faiths pray a protests during clashes with police in central Kiev (AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavkov)


A man prays as people rest inside Mikhailovsky Zlatoverkhy Cathedral, which serves as a temporary shelter and a first-aid post for anti-government protesters, in Kiev. (REUTERS/Stringer)


A clergyman walks as people rest inside Mikhailovsky Zlatoverkhy Cathedral (REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili)


A priest speaks through a megaphone to riot police and anti-government protesters at the site of recent clashes in Kiev (REUTERS/Konstantin Chernichkin)


A Ukrainian woman supporting president Viktor Yanukovich, and a priest speak to a police line, in Kiev (EPA/IGOR KOVALENKO)


A priest blesses anti-government activists (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich)


A priest marches with anti-government protesters (AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS)

A priest blesses an anti-government protester at a road block in Kiev (ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)An Orthodox priest holds an icon as he stands in front of policemen in Kiev (SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP/Getty Images)


A Ukrainian priest walks at the site of clashes during another day of anti-government protest in Kiev (EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV)


A priest talks to Ukranian riot police (REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko)


A Ukrainian priest stands in front of a line of riot police as he takes part in a protest (EPA/ZURAB KURTSIKIDZE)


A Ukrainian church priest blesses a fighter during clashes with riot police (EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV)


An orthodox priest stands amidst Ukrainian protesters, outside the European Council building in Brussels (AP Photo/Yves Logghe)


A priest tends to a wounded anti-government protester in the lobby of the Hotel Ukraine (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)


A priest stands in the lobby of the hotel Ukraine (REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili)


A priest rushes to give the last sacraments to an anti-government protester during clashes with riot police in central Kiev (BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)


An Otrthodox priest gestures after clashes between anti-government protesters and riot police (REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis)


An Orthodox priest holds a cross as a woman reacts next to dead bodies following violence in Independence Square (REUTERS/Konstantin Chernichkin)
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